Sending cross-chain message


To send a cross-chain message, you need to call the sendMessage function on the source chain contract. This function will transmit a payload to a specified endpoint on the destination chain. Once the message is received, the xOracleCall function on the destination chain contract will be executed as a callback to handle the payload.

Contract A (Source Chain): Sending a message to contract B (called endpoint) on the destination chain.

 * @dev Send message to destination chain
 * @param _payload payload to calldata to endpoint
 * @param _endpoint endpoint address on destination chain
 * @param _dstChainId destination chain id
function sendMessage(
         bytes memory _payload, 
         address _endpoint, 
         uint64 _dstChainId

Contract B (Destination Chain): Handling the fulfill message callback.

 * @dev Callback from xOracleMessage (sent from another chain)
 * @param _payload payload
function xOracleCall(bytes memory _payload)

The send message fee is paid with a native token (e.g., ETH). You can obtain the fee amount using the getFee function.

function getFee(uint64 dstChainId) external view returns(uint256)

These implementations facilitate communication between smart contracts across different blockchain networks, enabling cross-chain functionality through payload transmission and receipt handling.

Let's start

Example: Crosschain ERC20 Token

This example demonstrates how to implement a crosschain ERC20 token that can be transferred between blockchain networks with xOracle Message.

  1. Import Necessary Contracts and Interfaces.

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "../interfaces/IXOracleMessage.sol";
  1. Implement contractor and initialize. In the constructor, initialize the ERC20 token with name, symbol, xOracleMessage address, and initial supply.

        string memory _name, 
        string memory _symbol, 
        address _xOracleMessage, 
        uint256 _initialSupply
) ERC20(_name, _symbol) {
        require(_xOracleMessage != address(0), "invalid address");

        chainId = uint64(block.chainid);
        xOracleMessage = _xOracleMessage;

        // mint initial supply
        _mint(msg.sender, _initialSupply);
  1. Implement sendCrosschain function to send tokens across chains.

 * @dev Send token to another chain
 * @param _dstChainId destination chain id
 * @param _receiver receiver address
 * @param _amount amount to transfer
function sendCrosschain(uint64 _dstChainId, address _receiver, uint256 _amount) external payable {
    require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");

    address endpoint = endpointTokens[_dstChainId];
    require(endpoint != address(0), "chainId not supported");

    // check fee
    uint256 fee = IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).getFee(_dstChainId);
    require(msg.value >= fee, "insufficient fee");

    // send message
    bytes memory payload = abi.encode(chainId, msg.sender, _receiver, _amount);
    IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).sendMessage{ value: msg.value }(payload, endpoint, _dstChainId);
    // burn from sender
    _burn(msg.sender, _amount);

    emit SendCrosschain(_dstChainId, msg.sender, _receiver, _amount);
  1. Implement getFee function to get the required fee from the xOracle message contract.

 * @dev Get fee for sending crosschain
 * @param _dstChainId destination chain id
function getFee(uint64 _dstChainId) public view returns (uint256) {
    return IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).getFee(_dstChainId);
  1. Implement xOracleCall function to handle incoming messages from other chains.

 * @dev Callback from xOracleMessage (sent from another chain)
 * @param _payload payload
function xOracleCall(bytes memory _payload) external {
    // check security callback
    require(msg.sender == xOracleMessage, "only xOracleMessage callback");

    // decode payload
        uint64 _srcChainId, 
        address _from, 
        address _receiver, 
        uint256 _amount
    ) = abi.decode(_payload, (uint64, address, address, uint256));
    // mint to receiver
    _mint(_receiver, _amount);

    emit ReceivedCrosschain(_srcChainId, _from, _receiver, _amount);
  1. Implement setEndpointToken to register the endpoint address and destination chain id.

 * @dev Set endpoint token address which is deployed on another chain
 * @param _dstChainId destination chain id 
 * @param _token token address
function setEndpointToken(uint64 _dstChainId, address _token) external onlyOwner {
   endpointTokens[_dstChainId] = _token;
   emit SetEndpointToken(_dstChainId, _token);

Full Code

Here is the full example code, including the necessary imports and functions.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "../interfaces/IXOracleMessage.sol";

contract CrosschainERC20Token is ERC20, Ownable {
    uint64 public immutable chainId;
    address public xOracleMessage;

    mapping (uint64 => address) public endpointTokens;

    event SendCrosschain(uint64 dstChainId, address from, address receiver, uint256 amount);
    event ReceivedCrosschain(uint64 srcChainId, address from, address receiver, uint256 amount);
    event SetEndpointToken(uint64 dstChainId, address token);

        string memory _name, 
        string memory _symbol, 
        address _xOracleMessage, 
        uint256 _initialSupply
    ) ERC20( _name, _symbol) {
        require(_xOracleMessage != address(0), "invalid address");

        chainId = uint64(block.chainid);
        xOracleMessage = _xOracleMessage;

        // mint initial supply
        _mint(msg.sender, _initialSupply);

     * @dev Send token to another chain
     * @param _dstChainId destination chain id
     * @param _receiver receiver address
     * @param _amount amount to transfer
    function sendCrosschain(uint64 _dstChainId, address _receiver, uint256 _amount) external payable {
        require(balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance");

        address endpoint = endpointTokens[_dstChainId];
        require(endpoint != address(0), "chainId not supported");

        // check fee
        uint256 fee = IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).getFee(_dstChainId);
        require(msg.value >= fee, "insufficient fee");

        // send message
        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(chainId, msg.sender, _receiver, _amount);
        IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).sendMessage{ value: msg.value }(payload, endpoint, _dstChainId);
        // burn from sender
        _burn(msg.sender, _amount);

        emit SendCrosschain(_dstChainId, msg.sender, _receiver, _amount);

     * @dev Callback from xOracleMessage (sent from another chain)
     * @param _payload payload
    function xOracleCall(bytes memory _payload) external {
        // check security callback
        require(msg.sender == xOracleMessage, "only xOracleMessage callback");

        // decode payload
            uint64 _srcChainId, 
            address _from, 
            address _receiver, 
            uint256 _amount
        ) = abi.decode(_payload, (uint64, address, address, uint256));
        // mint to receiver
        _mint(_receiver, _amount);

        emit ReceivedCrosschain(_srcChainId, _from, _receiver, _amount);

     * @dev Set endpoint token address which is deployed on another chain
     * @param _dstChainId destination chain id 
     * @param _token token address
    function setEndpointToken(uint64 _dstChainId, address _token) external onlyOwner {
        endpointTokens[_dstChainId] = _token;
        emit SetEndpointToken(_dstChainId, _token);

     * @dev Faucet for receive 1,000 tokens
    function faucet() external {
        uint256 faucetAmount = 1000 * 10**18;
        _mint(msg.sender, faucetAmount);

     * @dev Get fee for sending crosschain
     * @param _dstChainId destination chain id
    function getFee(uint64 _dstChainId) public view returns (uint256) {
        return IXOracleMessage(xOracleMessage).getFee(_dstChainId);

For more details, you can refer to the full code on GitHub.

Deployment notes

  1. Deploy CrosschainERC20Token contract on both chains.

Example deployment:

  • Holesky Chain (chainId 17000)

  • Sepolia Chain (chainId 11155111)

  1. Configure setEndpointToken to contracts on both chains to register the other's endpoint address and chain id.

Holesky Chain Configuration

// crosschainERC20Token on holesky chain
await crosschainERC20Token.setEndpointToken(
    11155111, // sepolia chain id
    "0x9712698c1c91e3e5c39e3c63fdb94e39684183fd" // CrosschainERC20Token deployed address on sepolia

Sepolia Chain Configuration

// crosschainERC20Token on sepolia chain
await crosschainERC20Token.setEndpointToken(
    17000, // holesky chain id
    "0x9057a36856116a7100a3cb9c7f676d1477b71c43" // CrosschainERC20Token deployed address on holesky
  1. Get xOracle message fee and send tokens crosschain transfer from Holesky to Sepolia.

Sending Tokens from Holesky to Sepolia

// send from holesky to sepolia 
const destChainId = 11155111; // sepolia
const receiver = signer.address;
const amount = '500000000000000000000'; // 500
const fee = await crosschainERC20Token.getFee(destChainId);

await crosschainERC20Token.sendCrosschain(
    { value: fee }


The contract CrosschainERC20Token.sol is deployed on testnet chains. You can interact with the CrosschainERC20Token contract on the block explorer, by following these steps:

  1. Go to CrosschainERC20Token contract on block explorer.

  2. On the Write Contract tab, call the faucet function to receive faucet 1,000 tokens.

  3. On the Read Contract tab, call the getFee function to get required xOracle message fee with the following parameter: _dstChainId: The destination chain ID (e.g., Sepolia chain ID 11155111). This will return the required xOracle message fee in wei.

  4. On the Write Contract tab, call the sendCrosschain function with the following parameters: payableAmount (ether): The xOracle message fee converted to ether (wei divided by 10^18 e.g., 10000000000000000 wei / 10^18 = 0.01)

    _dstChainId: The destination chain ID (e.g., Sepolia chain ID 11155111).

    _receiver: The wallet address to receive the tokens on the destination chain.

    _amount: The amount of tokens to transfer in wei. (e.g., 500 tokens * 10^18 = 500000000000000000000)

Playground deployed address

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